Boosting Apprenticeships Commencements Australia
To assist with the recovery from the impact of COVID-19, the Australian Government is providing support to all employers who engage a new Australian Apprentice.
The Australian Government has announced the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy to support employers and Group Training Organisations to take on new apprentices and trainees.
The subsidy covers up to 50% of the gross wages paid to Australian Apprentices who are signed into a Training Contract between October 5th, 2020, and March 31st, 2022. It applies to wages paid to an Australian Apprentice up to a maximum of $7,000 per quarter for a maximum period of 12 months from commencement or recommencement
To determine eligibility and learn how to apply, follow this link
Eligible Entity
- The BAC is available to employers of any size, industry, or geographic location.
Is my business eligible?
Your business or Group Training Organisation may be eligible if:
- you engage an Australian Apprentice between 5 October 2020 and 31 March 2022, and
- your Australian Apprentice or trainee is undertaking a Certificate II or higher qualification and has a training contract that is formally approved by the state training authority.
How much is the subsidy?
- Eligible employers and Group Training Organisations (GTOs) will receive a wage subsidy of up to 50 percent of the Australian Apprentice’s gross wage paid.
- The subsidy is available for Australian Apprentices commencing or recommencing between 5 October 2020 and 31 March 2022.
- The wage subsidy is available for a maximum of $7,000 per quarter, per eligible Australian Apprentice, for wages paid in the 12-month period from the date of commencement or recommencement.
Can existing workers attract the BAC subsidy?
An existing worker is eligible to attract the BAC subsidy if one of the following factors apply:
- They commence a trade based Australian Apprenticeship
- Transfer from casual employment to a full-time Australian Apprenticeship
- Transfer from part-time employment to a full-time Australian Apprenticeship
If using a Group Training Organisation (GTO), an employer or Host Employer may be eligible for the BAC subsidy for up to 30 existing workers if:
- An existing worker transfers from a casual employment arrangement to a part-time or full-time Australian Apprenticeship, or;
- An existing worker transfers from a part-time employment arrangement to a full-time Australian Apprenticeship.
Additional Information
- The subsidy is not available for any apprentice receiving any other form of Australian Government wage subsidy e.g. Supporting Apprentices and Trainees or JobKeeper
- Final claims for payment must be lodged by 30 June 2023.
- The 100,000 cap limit has been removed to provide additional support to employers and GTOs
- The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network will deliver additional Gateway Service places and enhanced In-Training Support for women interested in or starting, an apprenticeship in a non-traditional trade occupation.
NOTE: From April 2022, the way employers lodge their Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) will change.
To prepare for this transition, employers need to have a myGovID Digital Identity. More information is available at, including how to set up your myGovID and where you can get support.
– Boosting Apprenticeships Commencements Australia –
Ryan can assist with services such as:
- Scope your potential to claim various grant programs
- Assist with the preparation and lodgement of grant applications
- Review or provide a health check on your internally prepared grant applications
- Establish record-keeping practices as required under various grant programs
- Provide prepayment loans against future cash refunds under the R&D Tax Incentive
- Keeping industry informed on all new Government policy and grant initiatives
Don’t hesitate to give us a call.