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Export Market Development Grants

The new Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) scheme offers reimbursements of up to 50 percent of eligible export marketing and promotional expenses, including overseas travel, the costs of attending overseas or local trade shows, digital advertising, giving away free samples, registering your trademark or patent overseas and even establishing an overseas marketing office.

Applications can be made annually, the window for Round 3 lodgments are:

Opening:  15th March, 2023

Closing:  14th April, 2023

We believe the new Labor Government is reviewing the total pool of funds available, given last years unexpected increase in applications and the result being an 80% reduction in the maximum amounts available for each applicant.

The EMDG is split into three tiers:

Export Market Development Grant Tier 1

Ready to Export

  • First time exporters
  • 2 year agreement and maximum of $15,000 per financial year.
Export Market Development Grant Tier 2


  • Expanding export promotional activities
  • 3 year agreement and maximum of $24,000 per financial year.
Tier 3 symbol

Expanding & Strategic Shift

  • Expanding export promotional activities and making a strategic shift, for example targeting a new market or a new type of customer
  • 3 year agreement and maximum of $36,000 per financial year.

Eligible expenses

The EMDG grant is designed to offset certain export marketing expenses in the following categories, as further detailed in the EMDG guidelines

  • maintaining a representative in a foreign country
  • short trips to a foreign country – airfares and accommodation
  • engaging a consultant to undertake research or promotional activities
  • short trips within Australia relating to export marketing
  • the costs of bringing prospective foreign buyers to Australia
  • soliciting for business in a foreign country – trade show expenses
  • providing free samples to prospective overseas buyers
  • producing promotional and advertising material, website costs, overseas advertising costs
  • registering intellectual property rights in foreign countries
  • if you are a Tier 1 applicant, obtaining export readiness training.

Change to program administration

From the FY2021/22 year onwards, the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) is now reoriented from a reimbursement program claimed in the year after the eligible expenditure has been incurred, to a pre-approved 2 or 3 year forward grant agreement based on your export market plan and budget.

This will provide eligible exporters certainty of annual funding before they embark on their marketing and promotion activities.

If you would like to discuss your Export Market Development Grant eligibility, please do not hesitate to give us a call at TCF Services

Any questions?

Talk to us about Export Market Development.
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