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NSW Clean Technology Research and Development Grants Program – Round 2

NSW Clean Technology Research and Development Grants Program

Round 2

Newsletter | November 9, 2022


Expressions of interest have opened for the Clean Technology Research and Development Grants program. This program will offer grants for early-stage research and development of innovative technologies, services or processes, with the intent to decarbonise NSW industries.

The program will support projects that:

  • are in the range of Technology Readiness Level 2 to 6 (see Appendix 1 in program guidelines)
  • seek to develop innovative solutions to decarbonising high-emitting or hard-to-abate industries within the program priority areas
  • have the potential to make a substantial contribution to the NSW Government goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2050
  • are likely to have net positive environmental impacts (e.g., when considering other factors like embodied carbon and supply chain impacts)
    promote and actively engage in cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary partnerships and knowledge sharing.


Round 2 Priorities

Round 2 will prioritise:

  • Electrification and Energy Systems – accelerating renewable energy solutions and supporting the uptake of electrification in other sectors
  • Land and Primary Industries – coordinating and aligning efforts in the next wave of sustainable primary industry practices as the sector contributes significant proportions of NSW emissions
  • Power Fuels including Hydrogen – growing an environmentally sustainable NSW powerfuels industry and unlocking decarbonisation opportunities for many hard-to-abate sectors beyond 2030.

If your project falls outside of the 3 priorities, please contact the Environmental Trust on (02) 8837 6093 or before submitting an Expression of Interest.



  • Grant amount: $400,000 to $3,000,000
  • Application opened: 31 October 2022
  • Application closes: 9 December 2022 5pm AEST
  • Full Application Submissions due: April/May 2023
  • Successful Projects Announced: July 2023



Grants are open to public and private sector organisations that have applied expertise in clean technology innovation. Each organisation can submit a maximum of 3 Expressions of interest per grant round.

Eligible applicants must:

  • hold a current Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be an organisation that fits into one of the categories outlined in Appendix 2: Eligible organisations
  • hold, at the time of executing a funding agreement, public liability insurance (minimum $10 million) and workers compensation insurance
  • warrant that you are the legal and beneficial owner of (or have all necessary rights to use) any intellectual property necessary to carry out the project
  • disclose any relevant legal proceedings or investigations, including litigation, arbitration, mediation or conciliation that are taking place, pending or (to the best of the applicant’s knowledge, after having made proper enquiry) threatened against the applicant or a related body corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001)
  • not be subject to any insolvency event, including being the subject of an order or resolution for winding up or dissolution (other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) or the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, administer or similar
  • not be listed on the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade sanctions list.



Hydrogen projects that are within Technology Readiness Levels 2-6 and have significant carbon abatement potential for a high emitting or hard-to-abate sector are eligible for funding under this program. For more detail on the three priority areas covered by this grant, please refer to the grant guidelines linked below and the NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Study.

Eligible projects must:

  • seek to innovate a new technology, services or process (or extend a technology, service or process) that supports or enables decarbonisation of a high emitting or hard-to-abate industry (or industries)
  • be for early-stage research and development in the range of TRL 2-6 (see Appendix 1: Technology readiness levels)
  • align with the program’s priority areas (see Part 1: About the program – Priority areas)
  • be applying for funding in the range of $400,000 and $3 million
  • have clear economic benefits in New South Wales
  • use funding for eligible activities as outlined in Tables 1 and 2 over page
  • meet the matched funding requirements specified at Key information for 2022–23.

See below linked Guidelines for examples of eligible projects.


Is your organisation eligible?

Is your proposal aligned with the objectives of this program?

Are your proposed R&D activities eligible for funding?



The Clean Technology Research and Development Grants Program is part of The Net Zero Industry and Innovation Program; the NSW Government’s plan to support and partner with industry to reduce emissions and help NSW businesses prosper in a low carbon world. By accelerating the development of clean technology and decarbonisation, we will grow the economy, support jobs and significantly reduce emissions.

The program is part of the NSW Government’s NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020–2030 to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.

The program has 3 areas of focus:

  • Clean Technology Innovation
  • New Low Carbon Industry Foundations
  • High Emitting Industries.

The Clean Technology Innovation focus area aims to create an environment in New South Wales where innovation is supported so new technologies are domestically developed, tested and utilised in the market.



Though Intellectual property developed by funded projects will be retained by the grant recipient, or relevant third parties, where relevant, successful projects will be required to share outcomes or learnings from their project with relevant stakeholders in a minimum of 2 forums. A grant payment equal to 20% of the total grant amount will be linked to fulfillment of this requirement.

What are the expectations regarding the knowledge sharing requirement of the program?

Applicants are required to demonstrate that they have suitable networks or forums for sharing and extending the outcomes and learnings of their research to the benefit of the clean technology innovation community. Examples may include sharing outcomes at conferences, via peak industry groups, and through the Clean Technology Innovation and Net Zero Industry and Innovation networks.

Will the department be actively fostering the ecosystem and connections between projects and connections to industry?

Yes. Collaboration and connection from research and development through to commercialisation is critical and underpins the objectives of the Net Zero Industry and Innovation Program. The technologies developed under these grants should ultimately support decarbonisation in high emitting and hard-to-abate industries in New South Wales.

The Decarbonisation Innovation Hub will support researchers, industry and government stakeholders in critical sectors to collaborate, and increase the uptake of new technologies in decarbonising New South Wales. The Decarbonisation Innovation Hub will establish partnerships and enhance engagement across the priority areas.

Are collaborative projects between entities from different sectors encouraged?

Yes. Promoting collaboration is a key objective of the program, so we welcome applications with cross-sectoral partnerships. Applicants should showcase the strength of their project’s collaboration as part of their application.


More Information


For tips on lodging a Clean Technology Research and Development Grant,
Give us a call or schedule an assessment


Ryan can assist with services such as:

  • Scope your potential to claim various grant programs
  • Assist with the preparation and lodgement of grant applications
  • Review or provide a health check on your internally prepared grant applications
  • Establish record-keeping practices as required under various grant programs
  • Provide prepayment loans against future cash refunds under the R&D Tax Incentive
  • Keeping industry informed on all new Government policy and grant initiatives

Don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule a free assessment.
